Download Resources
The guide offers a detailed insight into the New ELI Readers, what they are and how to use them. It includes a section on how the readers are graded and the contents of each level, identifying and resolving student reading problems, how to tackle extensive and intensive reading tasks with students, whether as a class or individually, and a detailed section with practical ideas and full instructions for using the Readers with students, before, during and after each Reader at all levels.
The guide includes:
- What are New ELI Readers?
- Why use New ELI Readers?
- Choosing an ELI Reader
- Using ELI Readers in Class
- Drama in the Classroom: Techniques from the Theatre
- Evaluating Reader Performance
Download the Guide in pdf:
English / Français / Deutsch / Español / Italiano
Special edition for the FLE titles:
To get the most out of each reader, you can find extra activities for each title
• Extra activities for students (activities, fact-files, exam preparation exercises, etc.)
• Extra activities for teachers (activities, fact-files, exam preparation exercises, assessment exercises, etc.)
To download these materials simply click on the 'student's or the teacher's icon on the page dedicated to the title.
Each volume of the New ELI Readers has Answer Keys.
Find your book and click on the Teacher's Resources icon.
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To access these materials, first register yourself, then click on the 'teacher's' icon on the page dedicated to the title.
Each volume of New ELI Readers is accompanied by the story read by native speakers.
You can download full MP3 audiobook in the book page or with the ELI LINK App.
Some volumes are accompanied by a video: watch it in the book page or download it with the ELI LINK app.